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Busy days.

christmas scents daily events farm farmer goat goats soy candles yea it's been a while since we blogged. Lots going on. We had two very successful events last weekend that have kept us busy along with Mae and her antics and the animals with theirs. We are sad to announce the passing of our sweet silver laced Wyandotte which was part if a small flock that we took on from a family in need. We take every loss very personal and will miss her dearly. We are trying to dry Marilyn out for the winter and are continuing to get a bountiful supply of milk from Etta which we drink raw or make cheese from. Her milk is sweeter than Marilyn's and seems to have a higher fat content. I found out the other day while making cheese that it seems to boil at 175 not 185 and on top of making cheese I got to scrub the stove lol. Mae and I have been going on lots of walks and small adventures and found ourself at the Lutz Children's Museum in Manchester where they have the same exact stuffed grizzly bear that was there when I was a kid!  We are having our first sindy/cold/rainy night so we are testing out our new goat stall to keep the girls dry and all of the chickens are snuggled up in their coops with fresh shavings. We're gearing up for church and a few batches of candles tomorrow along with continued prep for my least favorite season.....I'm cold already


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