News — soy candle
Winter is here. Kind of.
bundle up christmas scents cold goats handmade homemade snow snowman soy candle soy candles
First snow of the season yesterday and I am so not amused... although Mae loved it and even insisted on making a snow man. With no gloves, a tiny one was all I could manage. The goats were so cold and wet I'm pretty sure Lila, thought she was going to die, lol. I think our animals are like us where although we live in New England, some of us absolutely dread winter. Because of the icky weather, Mae and I planned a few crafts including sensory stuff like dried noodles, marbles and glitter glue. A friendship bracelet kit at...
Stormy Salve and Goldfish.
batten down the hatches beeswax candle daily events essential oil farm farmer fresh goldfish hand salve handmade homemade hurricane love salve soy candle
We've been so busy here. Between making candles/salve, blanching squash, and taking care of animals, we have been maxed out every night! We had to go to the grocery store today to pick up some sale items (which is SO much fun with a 2.5 year old). Before the grocery store we visited the local pet store which just happened to have goldfish on sale SO now we are the proud owners of a new fan tail goldfish that Mae has proudly named Goldie like Peppa Pig's goldfish. Dan is thrilled, and I'm sure Goldie is too. The poor unfortunate...
Market Day.
apple cake candle cider crunch fall scents farm farmer farmers market fudge handmade maple market nut pumpkin smores soy candle soy candles spiced
Wow. Today was a long day. It started when I woke up at 4:15am. This has been the case every day for about a week. No explanations. I moseyed on downstairs to watch an episode of Stranger Things on Netflix while the girls continues sleeping. Made some coffee and settled into my recliner for some chill time. Once 6 oclock came and I heard the girls starting to come to, I threw together a quick breakfast for us. Mae was other-worldly this morning. A complete terror. Nothing made her happy and from 6:00 until I left for the market she...
cabin cake candle daily events fall scents farm handmade market smores soy soy candle soy candles
So we're coming to the end of our summer squash crop but at the same time our little turnip seedlings are doing quite well. As usual while sowing the seeds with Mae her and Beth planted too many too close together so today they will work at thinning the seedlings out so that we have a successful harvest. Beth is home with Mae today and preserving acorn squash for the winter. The acorn squash doesn't keep long after harvest like butternut squash does so they will be baking and mashing them to freeze. None of the squash goes to waste...
Some play on a farm.
ball cabin cake candle clean up daily events fall scents farm goat milk organize pine smores soy soy candle
Up at 7 this morning but Mae was pretty fussy all night, woke up talking about it being winter time and snow on the ground. Beth went to get the animals taken care of and milk Marilyn. While Beth was milking Marilyn she was thinking about the Stafford Farmers Market coming up next Saturday. Will it be busy? Will people like the Spiced Apple Cider and Pumpkin Crunch Cake or Smores candles? Her thoughts were interrupted by Lila our wild child of a goat barreling into the garage. She has separation anxiety when Marilyn is away from her, and she...