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Market Day.

apple cake candle cider crunch fall scents farm farmer farmers market fudge handmade maple market nut pumpkin smores soy candle soy candles spiced

Wow. Today was a long day. It started when I woke up at 4:15am.  This has been the case every day for about a week.  No explanations.  I moseyed on downstairs to watch an episode of Stranger Things on Netflix while the girls continues sleeping.  Made some coffee and settled into my recliner for some chill time.  Once 6 oclock came and I heard the girls starting to come to, I threw together a quick breakfast for us.

Mae was other-worldly this morning.  A complete terror. Nothing made her happy and from 6:00 until I left for the market she was non-stop whining and tantrums.  No idea.  So I left the girls at about 7:45 and pulled into the Stafford Community Farmers' Market at approx. 8:02am to set up.

The market started slow, but by 10:30 things started picking up at our booth.  The best thing we ever did was introduce or Farmers Market Special which is 1 large candle, 1 hand salve, and 1 lip balm for only $20.  This is a no-brainer if you are looking at buying a large candle, which is the most cost-effective buy if you are a consumer.  By the end of the day I had logged sales to 10 customers, met some nice people, and some friendly local vendors (Simple Grace Farm, Hydeville Sugar Shack, and Heart Stone Gallery).  

Now the fun begins.  Apparently while I was working the Market, Beth and Mae took a trip out to see our friends at Connecticut Draft Horse Rescue.  They ended up coming home with another 5 rescue chickens.  Oh joy.  We are officially maxed out at what our current space and coops will tolerate.  Hopefully Beth sees that.  She did also manage to blanch some more summer squash, bake and freeze some acorn squash, and toast some more squash seeds. Mmmmmm.

Now I'll drink my Sam Adams Oktoberfest and ponder the purpose of life.

Next Saturday we will be doing Stafford Community Farmers' Market again and Sunday we will be doing Colchester Farmers Market.  

Our Spiced Apple Cider Soy Candle continues to be the hottest seller the past 2 markets.  I suspect it will continue to be a hot seller along with the Pumpkin Crunch Cake, Maple Nut Fudge, and of course the Smores candle.

Now we sit down and watch a nice family movie with Mae as we get ready for bed. 

G'night all!



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