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Our Purpose

Hi y’all! So I figure it’s gotta be a number of years since we’ve done a blog post sooooo we should probably start over….. or update y’all since it’s been forever and a lot has changed. 
My name is Beth and I am married to Dan and we have a now seven year old daughter named Mae. She is our world. Life has been crazy since Mae was born. We found out at when she was almost 1 year old that Mae suffered a stroke at birth. Poof… suddenly my preconceived notions of being a farm mom and sort-of watching my kid while managing a horse farm went completely out the window. Simply put, I am now the "helicopter mom" that I never thought I would be. Mae was lucky in that she survived her stroke and from the initial appearance seems pretty normal.  She has a diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy due to her brain injury.  She has mild long term effects (balance, vision, speech, muscle spasticity) that she will deal with forever, but that are helped with various therapies.  Mae's abnormal gait and balance issues demand her being monitored rather closely. I am thankful for a small group of mom friends that get that. Fast forward to Winter/Spring 2020, I became the homeschool mom that I never expected to be as I refused to send Mae to school in a mask (no judgement to those that do, just not something Dan and I were ok with). Being a mom does not come naturally and the idea that Mae is home All. The. Time. Was really hard to get used to. Standards were lowered for a while so we could adjust (I’m a tad of a clean freak and meticulous pet mom). Nonetheless we have adjusted and figured it all out. We have invested wholeheartedly in Mae’s education in the way of a program called Classical Conversations supplemented by a curriculum called The Good and the Beautiful. It focuses on the world that our God has created, classical arts and memory work (which is amazingly mostly to song, I mean we all remember THOSE commercials to song from our childhood that we will never forget….same idea). Every day is a constant balance of farm care, child care, education, my sanity, driving all over the state for Mae’s vital therapies and MAKING CANDLES FOR Y'ALL! 
Anyways I will do my best to keep up with a monthly blog-type post going forward. Thank you guys so much for your continued support. To our small family and farm it means the world! 

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