News — fresh
Stormy Salve and Goldfish.
batten down the hatches beeswax candle daily events essential oil farm farmer fresh goldfish hand salve handmade homemade hurricane love salve soy candle
We've been so busy here. Between making candles/salve, blanching squash, and taking care of animals, we have been maxed out every night! We had to go to the grocery store today to pick up some sale items (which is SO much fun with a 2.5 year old). Before the grocery store we visited the local pet store which just happened to have goldfish on sale SO now we are the proud owners of a new fan tail goldfish that Mae has proudly named Goldie like Peppa Pig's goldfish. Dan is thrilled, and I'm sure Goldie is too. The poor unfortunate...
Sicky girl and laundry.
daily events detergent essential oil farm fresh homemade laundry love
Poor Mae has a nasty cold. I swear she inherited my sinus tract, which is horrible. She slept all night but was up early. We played a while and then took a nice steamy bath to try to help her breathe. First cold of the season but every cold this poor kiddo gets is so stressful. Today we bought a little paint-it-yourself bird feeder on sale at Tractor Supply! I realize how much of a messy nightmare this will be, but keeping a sick kiddo busy and happy can be hard, so it's worth the mess. We are so...
Sleep, we got it!
chickens daily events dehydrate eggs farm farmer fresh garden rooster tomato zuchini
Thankfully, even though Mae ended up in the bed at 1, she slept extremely well until almost 7. Thank goodness because between her early morning antics and a super busy day at the vet I was beyond exhausted. Every time we thought we had caught up, another emergency walked in. It's days like that I'm grateful I work with an incredible team of doctors, techs and receptionists. Mae watched Polly Pocket while I got the animals done, tonight will be the night that the newly rescued chickens sleep in the big coop with the rest of the girls. It's always...
Farm to farm table.
cheese chickens clean up daily events dog kennel eggs farm fresh goat goats handmade milk raw milk rooster silkie soy
Today was a good day. Mae slept well, we all slept well. We woke up about 6, maybe a little after. Morning chores and a breakfast made up of eggs from our girls and cheese and milk from Marilyn, along with scallions from our garden. Very tasty. We all got cleaned up and got dressed for church. Mae loves church. Mostly because she gets to go and play in the playroom for an hour with some of the other kids from church. After church we came back home and had peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for lunch. Then some...
Cheese please.
cheese daily events farm fresh goat handmade milk raw milk
Mae slept all night in her own bed and Marilyn blessed us with a beautiful amount of milk last night to make cheese today! On that note we figured we would share how we make soft farm cheese, which can be made with cows milk from the store too. Seriously though who wants store bought milk when you can have fresh goats milk to use? RecipeWe put 1qt of fresh raw goats milk in a large sauce pan on medium heat, stirring frequently and checking the temperature often. Once the milk reaches a temperature of 185 we take it off...