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Some play on a farm.

ball cabin cake candle clean up daily events fall scents farm goat milk organize pine smores soy soy candle

Up at 7 this morning but Mae was pretty fussy all night, woke up talking about it being winter time and snow on the ground. Beth went to get the animals taken care of and milk Marilyn. While Beth was milking Marilyn she was thinking about the Stafford Farmers Market coming up next Saturday. Will it be busy? Will people like the  Spiced Apple Cider and Pumpkin Crunch Cake or Smores candles? Her thoughts were interrupted by Lila our wild child of a goat barreling into the garage. She has separation anxiety when Marilyn is away from her, and she somehow bent the gate to the goat pen wide enough to wiggle her little self out (sigh... guess it's not called Labor Day for nothing).  We're hoping for a quiet day here of mending the gate and getting wedding orders ready but first a daddy daughter game of ball.  After ball, Mae and mom took a break and did a little painting on the back porch while Dan made some more candles.  This morning was Birthday Cake and Country Cabin, along with another layer on the Smores candle.  While waiting for the wax to get down to pouring temperature he was able to organize his workspace a little bit more, and inventory the remaining jars and scents.  It's quiet time now for Mae (because she doesn't nap, she just lays in her bed for a little while with the hopes of napping) as we post up today's blog.  This afternoon we'll continue to work on our new label layout and get ready for the gusty winds expected from Hermine. 

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